Meet Madeline

Hey y’all!

Here are a couple of things you should know about me:

  1. I am a geek, and I love research.

  2. Tennis is one of my greatest passions.

  3. My mind continuously analyses the biomechanics of people around me.

  4. I love the grind (i.e. being constantly busy).

  5. I am inspired by creativity and positive psychology.


My name is Madeline, and I am the Coordinator and Co-founder of Penny Project Fitness.  I was born and raised in a town just outside of Columbus, Ohio (go BUCKS!).  I moved to New England when I was 20-years-old, and I immediately fell in love with the mountains and ocean.  On weekends and days off, I was always in the mountains hiking, exploring, and getting lost to find new places.  I have been known to drive up to the mountains just to do homework, or even take the 2.5 hour drive just to watch the sunset before driving back home.

Growing up in Ohio, my favorite activities were always outside.  Whether it was going for hikes, picnicking, playing tennis, or joining in pickup sand volleyball games, I spent nearly all of my warm-weather time under the sun.  After I graduated high school, I began my college education at Xavier University.  My freshman year I got a summer job as a tennis camp counselor at Camp Cody in Ossipee, New Hampshire. This was my first experience living on a lake looking at the mountains.  Needless to say, I was extraordinarily fascinated by my new lifestyle, and at the very end of the summer I only grudgingly left.


Solo climb to the top of Mount Chocorua in the White Mountains in New Hampshire in 90+ degree heat.

Soon after, I transferred to Salem State University, playing tennis at the lovely Division III college in Salem, Massachusetts.  I graduated college in 2019 with a Bachelors of Science in Athletic Training, a minor in Fitness, and a 3.9 GPA.  Soon after graduating, I acquired my Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), Athletic Training Certification (ATC), and United State Professional Tennis Association (USPTA).

You know those people in your life that you meet that seem to make themselves busier on top of already being busy?  If you couldn’t already tell from my long-winded introduction, that is me.  Particularly when I was in college.  Throughout my college career, I was President of the Student Athletic Advisory Committee (SAAC), Captain of the Women’s Tennis Team, an Admissions Ambassador, Salem State’s Easter Athletic Trainers’ Association Ambassador, an active member of InterVarsity, and a BuddyUp and Special Olympics volunteer.

As an athletic training major, I also had clinicals, and I worked 2-3 jobs at any given time to make ends meet.  I am so thankful for all of these experiences though!  The lack of funds to supply groceries gave me an incredible appreciation for food.  The absence of sleep gave me a great respect for rest.  Most importantly, all of the struggles and emotions I dealt with put me in absolute awe of the incredible support from the friends, family, co-workers, bosses, and fellow students.

Thank you to all of those people.  I built this business for and because of you.


Shadow Heroes


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