Shadow Heroes


How many smiles can you inspire through small acts of happiness?

There are so many people who inspire happiness in small, kind acts every day.  Sometimes it’s a neighbor, co-worker, or friend, but other times, it’s a stranger.

I call these people “Shadow Heroes” because, even though their name or face may be hidden, they still manage to brighten your day and spread a smile across your face.

I have been very blessed to be inspired by several Shadow Heroes in their acts of selflessness throughout my lifetime.  My goal is simply to highlight these acts of kindness and present how alive, infectious, and beautiful the world can be. 

Let me be clear, it is not my intention to take these faces and names out of the shadows, as I know several of these heroes thrive and cherish their anonymity. I simply believe that I could help spread more acts of happiness by highlighting stories of some of these beautiful souls that choose to live in the shadows.


A Note From Penny:

Share your story with us, so we can highlight your shadow heroes on our blog. No faces or names necessary! If you prefer, we will always maintain your anonymity on our blog. Fill out the form below to help spread smiles and contribute the The Penny Project initiative.


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