What is The Penny Project?


Hey everyone!

This is our Penny Project, and we want YOU to participate.

Goal: Right NOW, share and live through spontaneous acts of happiness that make you or someone else smile. Act spontaneously, spread positivity.

Why: small acts of happiness are like pennies; small, easily lost, and poor at first glance. Over time, these acts accumulate and add up to a significant, positive value. Imagine how much wealth we can accumulate together in the ultimate currency of happiness if we work together?


  • ❌ Plan/Wait/Postpone

  • ✅ Act Intentionally, Positively & Spontaneously

  • ✅ With or Without Your Name/Face

  • ❌ Feel Bad that you can’t do more (simply by doing, you already did more)

  • ✅ Leave a Penny Heads Up or Take a Picture Penny Heads Up

  • ✅ Small or Big Acts (your choice)

“How To” in 6 Steps:

  1. Obtain a Penny.

  2. Think of a spontaneous act of happiness. This could even be something you have been meaning to check off your bucket list that will make you happy.

  3. Start working toward that act of happiness NOW, like right now.

  4. ACT.

  5. Leave a Penny or Take a Picture with the Penny.

  6. Spread Happiness & Smiles! Feel free to email and share with us, and tag us if you post it! We love hearing Penny Project stories!


I lived in the neighborhood of this beautiful swamp and trail for over 5 years. I told myself way too many times that I would walk back there. Today, I spontaneously did. I could not have been happier with what I found.

Act Spontaneously,
Spread Positivity.

#ThePennyProject #PennyProjectLife


A Note from Penny:

Acts of happiness can be directed ANYWHERE. Your happiness is just as important as everyone else’s. With that in mind, know that participating in The Penny Project does not necessarily always mean buying a homeless woman a hot lunch or donating time to a food bank. Participation can be as simple or as complex as you would like. Checking something off of your own bucket list that made you smile or holding a door open for someone can be just as meaningful and help to spread smiles.


Meet Christopher